Announcements: Week of 8/11 - 8/17

Saturday, August 9 2014

Announcements:  Week of 8/11 - 8/17


Official practice starts Wed., Aug 13.  2:00pm.

We will meet in room 190, then head out for workout.


You must also be registered for Boys XC and pay all fees by Sep. 1.

Registration Link:  CLICK HERE



Recruit new runners, win a prize!

We need to be recruiting new runners, especially freshmen.  Coach Ott will give a tshirt to the runner who recruits the most new runners to practice.  (Note:  new runners must stick with it at least a week!)


COMING SOON:  Athletes Area

This will be a new menu heading on that is only accessible when you are logged into the website. We will post a tentative season plan for meets/workout schedule/ etc, as well as any other “team only” material.


Training Logs:

Training log entries have been slipping this past week.

Reminder that these are mandatory this season,

You will not run at the EIU Showdown (Aug 25) without an updated training log.

Additionally, coaches expect to see comments for each workout with details about pace, how you felt, what the workout was, etc.  If you need help with this, please ask a coach or teammate.  Take time to do this before school starts.  


Thoughts on training….

As you know, this week is a 2nd MAX mileage week.  Does this mean EVERYONE should hit their max mileage?  No, not at all.  We expect that if you are healthy and have been progressing your training all summer, then you should be striving to hit your number.  If you are battling injury, ongoing pain, or have simply not been consistent with your training so far this summer, then you need to be smart and run an appropriate amount.  If you are unsure, please ask one of the captains or contact coach.  



We will announce our 2014 Boys XC Captains at practice on Wednesday.  


PNXC Spiritwear:

We will extend the deadline to Wed., Aug 20 at the Parent Meeting.  Coach Derks will have a size Medium sample of each piece at practice this week starting Wed if you want to check size.  Order form can be found in Docs/Links section, or get from Coach Derks at practice.


Important Dates:

Sat., Aug. 16-  Uniform/Warm Up hand out.  We will do this after practice.  Practice is at 7:30am @ PNHS.

Thur., Aug 21-  Parents Meeting.  5pm cafeteria.   All runners and parents should plan to attend.  Meeting should last about 30 min.

Fri., Aug. 22-  Picture Day.  2:25pm

Fri., Aug. 29-  Run a Thon Fundraiser.  7-8pm Under the Lights! Goal is to raise AT LEAST $100 each.  Remember, if you raise $300 or more, we will order you a custom PN Running lightweight running jacket.

Also, PARENTS, you can participate as well.  Let Coach Derks know if you want to run/walk to raise $$ for PNXC!

