#bowlsohard2014 Recap

Tuesday, January 7 2014


 Click Here for Pics


(average of 2 games)

1st-  #swatteam: 85.2

2nd-  #nonameallgame:  80.2

3rd-  #teambuckets:  77

4th-  #teamboommmyyy: 72.7

5th-  #shortgang:  64.6

6th-  #kidadanandthegoons:  62.5


Congrats to all on a great night.  

And congrats on making the winter running club commitment.  It's now on to 2014 Track, and our focus is:

- Run LOTS of PR's

- Train with a purpose and push teammates to work harder

- Enjoy the process










We have 30 guys (and a gal) signed up.

We have 6 lanes reserved for Friday night, 6-8pm. 

Cost:  $8  (covers bowling, shoe rental, and soda)

*pizza not included... please bring extra if you wish to order pizza.  $15 fr 16" pizzas if teams want to split the cost


BRING $8 to Coach Derks on FRIDAY at practice or bring $ to the bowling alley


There will be a team competition.  The team with the highest AVERAGE score wins.  (Average will be for all games combined)


1.  Sebok, Wolendowski, May, Stell, Stadler  

2.  Thurman, Sepka, Gibson, Flores, Badali  (#teambuckets)

3.  Schrank, Bruyere, O., Aclibon, Mosier, Burke  (#shortgang)

4.  Bruyere, A., Conley, Wells, Mankolli, Ornellas  (#kidadanandthegoons)

5.  Epley, Wilhalm, Smolen, Nkpe, Oudin  

6.  Billapando, McGath, Lau, Suchy, Arellano  (#needsanewteamname))


CstrFan512Thursday, January 16 :: 11:46:33 am      
Tomorrow's the big day! #nonameallgame